Christian Enrique Campos Monge

Lawyer and arbitrator in law, expert in Public- Constitutional Law, Competition and Regulatory Law, Human Rights, Administrative Litigation, and Administrative Contracting.
He held public office positions for 12 years, especially in the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic of Costa Rica (CGR) from 1999-2007. Likewise, the last eight years he has been an active participant in the preparation of the regulatory framework for trusts in the Costa Rican public sector, and the modernization of the legal framework for competition.
In 2012 he was awarded the “Independent Professional of the Year” Award, awarded by the Costa Rican Chamber of Commerce.

Practice Areas

Education and Admissions

INCAE Business School.
Graduated from the Senior Management Program (PAG 58). (2008)
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain), and Universidad Menéndez Pelayo, in cooperation with AECI, FUNDEMUCA and the UIM.
Master in Public Management and Local Government (2007)

University of Salamanca, (Spain)
Postgraduate Course in Administrative Law, (2007).

State Distance University, (San José)
Doctor of Law and Researcher from the Graduate Study System of the UNED, (2006)

UNED, (2003)
Master in Constitutional Law

Costa Rica Bar Association
Collegiate Lawyer Card No. 11822 (2000)

University of Costa Rica.
Lawyer and notary public